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Lato 6:40 Fri Jul 2
What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Mine is that tune Bill Remfrey played first without fail first at every home game. Kaiser Bill's-Whistling Jack Smith.

Apologies if done before!

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The Mercernary 5:03 Fri Jul 9
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
The tube train slowly pulls in
Matchday about to begin
The sign says Upton Park
A mass of people disembark

"Irons" and "Bubbles" ring out
More and more will shout
You're squashed but you don't care
Familiar sounds everywhere

You know it all so well
Even recognise the smell
Past the market you walk
Revelling in football talk

Once you see Ken's cafe
You know you're in your gaff
The school in claret and blue
Is next thing into view

Finally she appears
Home to hopes and fears
The ground where you belong
You and the massive throng

Never mind the score
Win, lose or draw
We've had our troubles
But we'll always blow our Bubbles!

SDKFZ 222 7:23 Thu Jul 8
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Back in 1972 the smell of roll ups and hot dogs and onions wafting down Green Street en route to the ground.

Once inside, roll ups were still being smoked, but I couldn’t believe how green the pitch was, for someone used to watching occasional highlights on a black and white telly.

Lato 2:23 Thu Jul 8
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Thanks for clearing that up Manuel

Manuel 9:58 Tue Jul 6
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
one iron 8:27 Mon Jul 5

''That was my last memory.my first i cant remember i was five years old''

Easy one iron, I said that and the OP and Stepney.Ammer got all upset. HOWEVER, maybe like yourself I think I read the question wrong. I think it can mean first memories, so that doesn't necessarily mean a memory from your first game.

So, my first memories are probably trying to get in for a quid for the U-12's in the North Bank, I was a late starter at 13 but always tried to get in the U-12's for a few years. A lot of the time I liked getting into the ground when it opened at 1.30 to get a good spot, even if some lanky cunt did come and stand in front of me at 2.55 Other memory is dropping into the portakabin near the gates.

New Jersey 10:17 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
My Dad took me to us against Brian Clough's Derby. Sir Bobby had been benched by Greenwood for going on the piss at Blzckpool. Think we were 3 or 4 down at halftime, the crowd was giving Greenwood some stick. Moore came on at halftime and stopped the flow. I suppose in lots of ways nothing has really changed!

JayeMPee 9:29 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Taking my daughter to the match, she must have been 9 or 10. In the programme it mentioned that some form of gel had been sprayed over the metal beams in the roof of the stand to keep pigeons/birds away, she spent most of the game looking for birds!

Irish Hammer 9:10 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Sometime in the early 80’s, my dad was a plumber and was working in a school on Green St and I was taken over to see him and he brought me to a game. He had to go to London to find work and he had three young kids he’d to leave behind.

He became a hammer and they became my club cause my dad brought me and it was my first ever proper match. I was about 8. I just remember holding his hand making our way through these crowds of people on the street and him buying me a little bottle of Coke and he hid it in his coat and I had it inside at half time.

Really was both overwhelming and magical to a little lad, a ferry trip, a real football game and feeling like a big boy with my dad beside me. Great memories. Dads are a special breed.

Westham67 8:30 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
We had a black and white TV so coming up the stairs on the west side lower it the green of the pitch I remember I was with my brother who is 10 years older than me

one iron 8:27 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
That was my last memory.my fist i cant remember i was five years old.

one iron 8:22 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?

frank marker 3:23 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Dark Winter's day, slept over round my cousin's, ferry to Tilbury, train to West Ham, bus to Upton Park, counting the 'hooligans' being led away from the North Bank, Chelsea with Osgood juggling the ball in the centre circle during the match, but we had Moore, Peters and Hurst, won 2 -0. Not a bad start.

Block 2:57 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Watching Stuart Pearce break his ankle but continue to play.

13 Brentford Rd 2:55 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Hereford in the cup, probably the1972 game.
Clyde Best missing the biggest sitter I've ever seen.
Bobby Moore's blond hair is all I can remember about seeing him live.

scott_d 12:00 Mon Jul 5
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
West Ham v Northampton - 1998 - won 1-0 but lost 2-1 on agg after being beaten by them at the Sixfields Stadium in the first leg.

The first leg was my first ever game. Bit underwhelming as we lost 2-0. I remember Ian Wright might have made his debut?

Had to wait a week before my first visit to UP but remember vividly walking up the steps in the Bobby Moore Upper and then seeing the bright green grass for the first time. I'd only ever seen it on telly.

Even though we scraped a 1-0 in the 90th minute against a shit Northampton team, I still loved it.

jooliandix 11:01 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
I first went on Dec 4th 1978,Bonzo's first testimonial vs the Yids,I remember some bald Yid scoring at the South Bank end

RoyalDocksGK 9:07 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Apart from the promotion game against Cambridge one that sticks in my mind a lot is the game against Villa in the cup, the replay game after Manny Omyinmi played about 3 minutes.

I remember sitting in the Trevor Brooking upper, night game and they took it to extra time with a late goal then scored a couple more. Probably sticks out in my mind the most because I think it's the only time I ever sat in the Trevor Brooking upper.

TheBoleynBoy 8:43 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
1995 George Paris Testimonial, lost 3-2 to Ipswich.

Northbanknorm 8:17 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Losing 5-0 to Luton Town in the milk cup FFS.

Lato 7:33 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Don't forget the Hokey Cokey when things got a bit dull on the pitch

Side of Ham 7:31 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
Steady, I also remember let’s all have a disco….and when it was packed out…..it’s fucking hot in here, it’s fucking hot in here, it’s fucking hot, it’s fucking hot in here….loads of others as well…… a great education that end for a very impressionable youth like me.

HammerFan43 7:26 Sun Jul 4
Re: What are your first memories of Upton Park/Boleyn Ground?
It was in 1963 and oddly my memory of it are in black and white.

My family visited friends who just happened to be neighbours of Johnny Sissions, although I never met him.

I can't remember who West Ham played.I think it was Wolves.

Stood right at the front of the Centenary Stand (not sure what the stand was called back then) or if it was called anything.

Can't believe that was 58 years ago. Ouch.

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